Long ago and far away, some of us at were writing a round-robin collaborative fan-fic piece, based on Robert Lynn Asprin's then-defunct 'Mythadventure' fantasy/comedy novels. If you don't know who Robert Lynn Asprin is, go check out my handy-dandy FAQ page. I contributed some chapters to this story, and, doing my best Phil Foglio imitation, also drew a picture for each chapter.

The fan-fic eventually trailed off and died. I decided this wasn't acceptable, and wrote an epic multi-chapter ending on my own.

This story takes place after Mything Persons, and spins off from there into a alternate timeline from the official books, particularly when my chapters get going. Certain background details are different from the orginal stories as well.

Below you will find the original 13 chapters of the story, my 13 drawings for those chapters, and my ending, which I called 'Myth Communication'. There are no drawings for the 'new' chapters, but who knows; maybe some decade I will get inspired and ambitious.


Also... another a.f.a. denizen wrote a short Myth story called 'The Naked Truth', and posted it to the group. Here is the picture I drew for this story.

Chapter 1 Chapter 14a Chapter 24a
Chapter 2 Chapter 15a Chapter 25a
Chapter 3 Chapter 16a Chapter 26a
Chapter 4 Chapter 17a Chapter 27a
Chapter 5 Chapter 18a Chapter 28a
Chapter 6 Chapter 19a Chapter 29a
Chapter 7 Chapter 20a Chapter 30a
Chapter 8 Chapter 21a Chapter 31a
Chapter 9 Chapter 22a Chapter 32a
Chapter 10 Chapter 23a Chapter 33a
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

If you want to read the story all in one fell swoop, you have two options..

.txt version. Just the text, which can be read either with your internet browser, or with something like Windows Notepad or Wordpad.
original chapters and my chapters.

.pdf file. Thanks to the generous efforts of a site visitor, this copy of the complete story has been assembled to look as much as possible like an official Starblaze-era print-and-ink MythAdventure novel, with my illustations included. You can either read it as-is, or print out the pages and make an actual book out of them. Presumably you know this, but just in case.. you'll need a pdf-reader. I personally recommend Foxit; it works well and it's free!

Myth Communication

And here's a cover I drew up if you should want it.

Return to the main page.

All MythAdventure characters, concepts, titles, etc. © the Estate of Robert Lynn Asprin.
All original chapters © 1998 their respective authors.
Anything left over after that is © 2000 Robert M. Cook.
Drawings created with JASC's Paint Shop Pro.
Last Updated August 29, 2015.